What a cracker of a program! We have thrown away the
disk labelling program we have been using for the last five years in
favour of this one. The program prints labels for your disks but takes
away all the thinking and lets you specify almost exactly what you want
on a label. The program reads the directory of each disk and then lets
you decide what you want to add or take away. You can add a heading,
number the disks (with or without automatic Incrementing), show sectors
or not, show free space or not, sort on filename, extension or by size,
offset labels and more. You can choose to exclude files with certain
extenders, the program will automatically list the extenders on your
disk and you need press only one key. Several drives are supported and
you can print to a printer or disk file and there are several other such
features. There are 5 pre-defined label sizes for the most popular
labels but you can define your own special size. Once everything is set
up, the really clever part comes into play as the program decides how
best to fit all the Information onto to label by using the best
combination of pica, elite and condensed print and by adjusting three
line spacing. Everything is automatically centred and neatly arranged,
it is very clever. The default printers supported are Epson, Gemini,
10X, Prowriter, OKI 192 and Star SG 10 but you can create a custom
printer driver very easily, all you need is a printer that has pica
elite, condensed and variable line spacing. This one really is a great
program that everyone with a disk collection and a printer will find